Alumni Testimonial: Joseph Patrick Nathan Turned His Childhood Dream Into A Career
On October 11, 2024, Heather Cannon—Co-Founder and Executive Director—met Joseph Patrick Nathan (aka J Patrick Nathan), who graduated with an electrician diploma in 2020.
Left to right: Joseph Patrick Nathan, 2020 Electrician Graduate, and Heather Cannon, Co-Founder/Executive Director.
Since he was a young boy, Joseph dreamed of being an electrician. He explained as a boy he liked to put electrical devices together and helped bring light to his house. That is when his father saw his dream. After high school, he wanted to attend college but opted to teach for five years. He enrolled in Grand Bassa Community College (GBCC) but dropped out because he had no financial aid. However, he discovered a different path when Myrtle S. Toe (Business Manager and Registrar), his play Mom, encouraged him to come to UDS Vocational Training Center (UDSVTC).
At that time, he lived in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County, about a two-hour drive from Monrovia. So, he relocated to Monrovia to enroll in our electrician program in 2019. During the one-year program, he helped train his fellow students including one who graduated with an Electrician Degree from the University of Liberia. Joseph exemplified how learning a trade leads to self-sufficiency.
Although COVID delayed his graduation by about four months, Joseph secured a job soon after receiving his diploma with Delta Architectural & Construction Company (DACC). He also worked as an industrial electrician at BMC Group Construction Company. He is a Facility Maintenance Technician at PHP Sports Park in Central Monrovia.
While Joseph is living his passion, his next aim is to earn a degree in electrical engineering.
In Part 1 of 5, Joseph introduced himself and explained his background and how he came to UDS from Grand Bassa Country. He valued the 50% scholarship.
In Part 2 of 5, he shared how he found a job after graduation and his career path of maintaining employment.
In Part 3 of 5, Joseph shared that his childhood dream was to become an electrician. He also talked about teaching for five years before attending UDS.
In Part 4 of 5, he advised his fellow Liberia Youth to learn a trade and called it career building. He gave an example of how one of his classmates, a University of Liberia Electrician Graduate, enrolled in UDS to receive the practical experience he did not obtain in college. He advised young Liberians to learn a career trade to promote their way for tomorrow.
In Part 5 of 5, he shared how he came first in his class and taught fellow students. He also stated UDS is a blessed school (institution). “There is no student that graduated from this school that doesn’t have a job to do.”
Throughout the interview, Joseph provided what he loved about the school and his recommendation:
What he likes:
Learning through practical experience.
Ensuring students complete their training to graduate.
Providing a 50% scholarship.
What he recommends:
Provide financial aid or scholarships to graduates who want to advance their careers.
Left to right: Joseph Patrick Nathan, 2020 Electrician Graduate, and Heather Cannon, Co-Founder/Executive Director.
Joseph’s feedback echoes what other alumni have said about UDS offering associate’s and bachelor’s degrees in their trade fields. Their suggestions are on our wish list because we need a larger facility and funding to make it a reality.