The Uniting Distant Stars Update 6/1/24 on electrician course, recent visitor, rotary talk, and more

Welcome to June, Everyone! Heather Cannon, Co-Founder and Executive Director will give an 11-minute update on our programs in Liberia, another repeat visitor, Facebook group, rotary talk, strategic plan, and much more.

Summary of Updates:

  • 00:29 Happy Birthday to everyone born in June. Please consider hosting a Birthday Fundraiser.

  • 01:25 Follow-up on Kelvin Fomba's April Birthday Fundraiser. He exceeded his goal and raised $1,225. He wanted to raise $1,200, not $12,000 as mentioned in the video. Learn more.

  • 02:02 Quick update on our electrician course. Our students practiced on the new table recently while waiting for their new lab to be completed. Read more.

  • 03:02 Martina Gargard returned to visit in May. She first visited our center in 2018. So, she saw how much we have changed and grown. Learn more.

  • 03:51 On 5/19, we held our academic queen contest. Read more.

  • 04:30 Information on the Uniting Distant Stars Alumni and Student Group. Request to join here.

  • 05:46 Scanned through Minneapolis Rotary Presentation on 5/22.

  • 07:10 Reviewed plans for 2024 strategic plan focused on the new center.

  • 09:47 In June the 2023/2024 Academic Year will close.

Thank you for all your support!


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