Watch an Interview with Uniting Distant Stars’s Academy Queen Contest Winner

Summary provided by Zack Tate, 2024 UDS Computer Student

On May 19, 2024, at 1:30 PM GMT, the UDS Academy held its 2023/2024 Queen Contest. The program filled the hall, and everyone enjoyed the peaceful and transparent contest.

The Queen candidates included the following:

  • Deborah David for K-1 to third grades

  • Massage Kannah for third and fourth grades

  • Helena Kollie fifth and sixth grades

  • Elijahline "Joyce" Bestman for seventh grade

  • Konjay Mardeh for tenth and eleventh grades

Each contestant gave a speech on how they would represent the school. Then the students voted. Joyce Bestman won the contest, and Angeline Mulbah became the second Queen.

Zack Tate, a 2024 Computer Student, interviewed the winner, Joyce Bestman, the next day.

Zack: Why did you decide to run for the queen contest?

Joyce: My friends chose me.

Zack: Did you have it in mind to run for queen?

Joyce: Yes because it would be a good thing to do.

Zack: How do you feel about becoming queen?

Joyce: I feel excited and proud of myself.

Zack: Anything you want to tell the people?

Joyce: I want to tell everyone that education plays a better role in your life. It makes you become what you want to be. It will fulfill your dreams.


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Watch Interview Uniting Distant Stars Academy Queen Contest Winner