Uniting Distant Stars Update 7/1/2023 - Featuring Co-Founders and Special Guest

Happy July, everyone! Kelvin Fomba, Co-Founder & Director, rejoined our update this month after a few busy months. Also, we invited Myrtle S Toe, Business Manager and Registrar, to join us and be part of future ones.

“It is wonderful to us here. Although things are not easy but trust me, God can’t give a load that you can’t carry. That is what I believe in. So, I believe that this load that God has given UDS to help the less fortunate is one that UDS can carry. You know, that is the faith I have”.

Kelvin Fomba, Uniting Distant Stars Co-Founder & Director

Here is the summary of this month’s discussion:

  • 00:07 Intros of Heather, Myrtle, and Kelvin.

  • 00:46 Heather - Reminder of Facebook Birthday Fundraiser.

  • 01:49 Heather - Read the post about the testimonial of Abdul Jalloh, a Driver’s Ed graduate.

  • 02:12 Heather - Read post about 5th graduation of UDS Academy on 7/1.

  • 02:23 Heather - Remember to subscribe and like.

  • 02:58 Heather - Plug our next Virtual Tea Time on 8/12.

  • 03:11 Myrtle - She shares the academic school closes on 7/1 for 250 students and PTA meeting on 7/2 to appreciate the parents and community.

  • 04:37 Kelvin - He encourages all of you to join our family.

  • 06:00 Kelvin - Asks for prayers during the upcoming election in October is peaceful, like the one in Sierra Leone on 6/26.

  • 06:26 Kelvin - Share how children and youth are doing their best to learn knowledge, the staff is doing their best to teach them, and you, the supporters, are doing your part to make that possible. Thank you to all of us!

  • 07:00 Kelvin - Talks about the challenges of the vocational program because political candidates started schools around us and are waiting to recruit for cohort 7 after the elections.

  • 08:00 Kelvin - People are still interested in registering, and they are being put on waitlists.

  • 08:25 Kelvin - Talks about the academic graduation where 75 of the 250 students will graduate from the Kindergarten 2, sixth and ninth grades.

  • 09:00 Klevin - The community and parents are pleading that UDS add a high school to our academic program.

  • 10:05 Kelvin - Shares how God gives you a load that can carry. Supporting children and youth is a bag UDS can carry.

  • 10:40 Heather - Highlights how Myrtle plays a vital role because she is second in command to Kelvin.

  • 11:15 Heather - Asks Kelvin and Myrtle about what impact the anniversary parade had on June 3.

  • 11:54 Kelvin - Answers Heather’s question that people are coming to obtain an information sheet to enroll.

  • 12:58 Kelvin and Myrtle’s feed freezes, and the network drops them.

  • 13:12 Heather - Continues to explain how the anniversary celebration parade was a good recruiting tool

  • 15:45 Heather - Explains more about UDS academic school and how it started as a partnership between the community and UDS in 2018.

  • 16:40 Heather - Gives updates for future events like the 10th Anniversary in Minnesota.

  • 17:00 Heather - Thank you for all you have done to get us to 10 years old!


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Uniting Distant Stars Update 7/1/2023 - Featuring Co-Founders and Special Guest