Uniting Distant Stars Update 4/1/2023 - Check out what is new & how to celebrate Kelvin's Birthday.

We are back to give you the latest news about Uniting Distant Stars. Kelvin Fomba starts with the updates in Liberia. He wanted to let you know that April is his birth month, and he will appeal for ways you can celebrate his birthday throughout the video.

Donate to Kelvin's Birthday Fundraiser online, CashApp $UDStars, or SendWave at +231-880-892-801.


  • 02:22 Kelvin shares about the transformer blowing out by our center and how he and others worked together to pull the breaker to stop the fire.
  • 04:20 Kelvin talks about how our solar gave us light while others went without due to the transformer issue.
  • 07:05 Kelvin gives an update on our land and making the cement blocks.
  • 09:27 Kelvin provides an update on the driver's ed course.
  • 14:21 Kelvin ends with the new course--Solar and Satellite Installation. The Vice President of Liberia, Jewel Howard Taylor, provided 20 students with scholarships for this course.
  • 21:53 Heather started her updates with a reminder of the Facebook Birthday Fundraiser (peer-to-peer).
  • 25:20 Heather shares about the partnership with the Tambah Foundation founded by Branko Tambah and the recent shipment of laptops.
  • 27:43 Heather mentions the starting plans for our 10th Anniversary Event in Minnesota.
  • 31:43 Heather talks about our rebranding process with Matthew Manning of Gumbo Media. A new logo will be coming soon.
  • 32:10 Heather gives a shout-out to Tashie George of IFRI LLC for her upcoming BIPOC Business Expo 06/10/23 (https://ifrillc.com/).
  • 32:57 Heather announces the next Virtual Tea Time on 4/29/23 from 10 to 11 AM featuring some students and instructors. Details to come.
  • 34:35 Kelvin ends by sharing ways how you can support Uniting Distant Stars in honor of his birthday. Donate online or CashApp $UDStars or SendWave +231-880-892-801.


Uniting Distant Stars In Action: Our New Solar & Satellite Dish Installation Course


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