Uniting Distant Stars In Action: Our New Solar & Satellite Dish Installation Course

We like to share a little story on how the power of networking created our new course. It all started in 2020 when Tashie George, Founder of IFRI LLC, connected us with Dr, Robert Ford in Texas. In 2021 Kelvin and I started having conversations with Robert and two of his friends, retired Judge Bill Littlejohn and Dr. Denise Adjei. Then in February 2022, the three of them visited our center in Liberia and introduced Kelvin to Daniel Thomas--Deputy Minister of Liberia's Information Ministry. Moving forward to February 2023, Mr. Thomas connected us with Liberia's Vice President, Jewel Howard Taylor's office.

In mid-February, we launched our new solar and satellite dish installation course. The course runs for six months, and the graduates will receive a certificate. Additionally, the vice president's scholarship program paid for 20 students, men, and women, to enroll. This marked the first time where we partnered with a Liberian government office.

The instructor, Augustus Abiton, led the last installation phase of our solar from late January to early February. Augustus received four years of solar training in China. Also, he is military personnel of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL).


As you can see, Uniting Distant Stars in action with networking creates new opportunities to train youth with marketable trade skills. Enjoy the photos below!

Instructor's Customer Contract Installation Training


Classroom Practical Learning


Catering Students Making Something Tasty: Jollof Rice


Uniting Distant Stars Update 4/1/2023 - Check out what is new & how to celebrate Kelvin's Birthday.