Interview with Myrtle S Toe & Heather Cannon on October 17, 2022

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During Heather Cannon’s (co-founder & executive director) visit to the Uniting Distant Stars Campus in Liberia, she interviewed key staff members. On October 17, she interviewed Myrtle S Toe, who is the business manager registrar, and performs other duties, and is second in command. She is also a Mom with two teenage children.

She is a 2019 hotel management graduate and came to Uniting Distant Stars (UDS) to certify her previous experience in this field. In this interview, she explains why she stayed with UDS and shares some stories of how our school is helping those hungry to learn.

Here is what she had to say about why she loves UDS, “First thing, it makes you know who you are... As a female just enter UDS and you will see the changes. UDS help restore hopes, help get people self-respect, and help to make people be recognized in society. I am one of those and I am proud of UDS. Because of UDS I know who I have become and know where it is heading to.”

Myrtle brings ideas on how we can be more efficient and save money. In 2022, she recommended that we make our own graduation caps and gowns because renting from others was no longer affordable. During the 2021 graduation, one of the gowns was accidentally torn and we were charged $50 USD. From this incident, she made her recommendation, and soon our tailoring team was sewing the 2022 graduates’ caps and gowns. Now that we have our own caps and gowns, we can start renting during the next graduation season.

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