Meet New Board Member Paul Ostrow

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Paul OstrowWe are excited to introduce you to our new board, Paul Ostrow! He brings an extensive background in community service and legal expertise. He also had the opportunity to visit Liberia with an organization he serves and his heart was captured by the young people’s desire to have a better life. Please read Paul’s bio below.

Paul Ostrow currently serves as an Assistant Anoka County Attorney in the criminal division. Prior to his current position, He served three terms on the Minneapolis City Council from 1998-2009 representing northeast Minneapolis.

Paul also served as Council President from 1998-2009 and in leadership on many boards and commissions including the League of Minnesota Cities, the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization, and the Hennepin County Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee.

He is a volunteer board member of the Civic Caucus, the Northeast Minneapolis Arts Association, and the Minnesota Committee on Government Information and also serves as co-chair of No Labels Minnesota.

Paul visited Liberia in December 2018 and assisted in the creation of an NGO–CAST (Collaborative Action for Social Transformation)–in Liberia dedicated to the empowerment of young women in Bong County. He joined UDS to continue to support the development of young people in Liberia.

He lives in Northeast Minneapolis and is an active member of Grace University Lutheran Church.



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Interview with Myrtle S Toe & Heather Cannon on October 17, 2022