Uniting Distant Stars Update 11/1/22 - Heather Cannon's Liberian Trip Recap

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Heather Cannon, Uniting Distant Stars Co-Founder & Executive Director gives an update on her recent trip to Liberia and how your support has made a difference with children and youth. She spent time with the students of each course, attended their graduation on 10/15, interacted with the academic students, and much more. Also, she invited you to visit our center if you like to volunteer or help out in some way. Here are some additional updates and ways to help:

  1. We are currently recruiting for the sixth cohort of students. Please call +231-770672461, +231-881429350, or +231-770797061 to learn more.
  2. Co-Founders Heather Cannon and Kelvin Fomba were featured in VoyageMinnesota https://voyageminnesota.com/interview/conversations-with-heather-cannon-and-kelvin-fomba/
  3. If you are on Facebook, remember to consider Uniting Distant Stars for your Birthday Fundraiser. https://www.facebook.com/unitingdistantstars
  4. Reminder Give to the Max Day on November 17 (stay tuned)
  5. Giving Tuesday on November 29 (stay tuned)
  6. Campaign to build our center will be coming soon.
  7. Learn more about our Star Champion (Monthly Donor Program): https://www.unitingdistantstars.com/donations/star-champion-monthly-donor-program/.
  8. Help support our plumbing students by donating today. https://www.unitingdistantstars.com/donations/7148/

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  • Website unitingdistanstars.com
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Interview with Myrtle S Toe & Heather Cannon on October 17, 2022


Save the Date - Give to the Max on November 17, 2022