Unbelievable! The final month of the 2018/2019 term closes on February 28. Indeed, your continued support of young men and women gave them the means to complete their final projects. This article focuses on your cosmetology and plumbing students.

First, your cosmetology students worked diligently in performing facials, manicures, pedicures, and hair styling. As a result of several hours of practicals over the past year, they demonstrated their readiness to provide this service to their instructor and others.

Your cosmetology students demonstrating their skills for the final project. 

Next, your plumbing students applied their learning in installing pipes and fixtures in their lab. As a witness to their development, you know that they possess the grit and dedication to be successful plumbers.

Your plumbing students apply their knowledge & skills in their final project.

Clearly, your generous support as a Classroom Hero inspires and motivates Liberian Youth to fully take on the opportunity of becoming skilled cosmetologists and plumbers. Thank you for making this possible!


UDS 2019/2020 Student Recruitment


Empowered Liberian Youth