UDS launched our student recruitment by participating in three radio talk shows: Radio Advent (93.7) on February 12, United Methodist Radio (98.7) on February 13, and Truth FM (96.1) on February 15. For each talk show, our team consisted of students and staff to explain our program and the benefits of enrolling as a student.

Radio Advent (93.7) - February 12

This station, located on the Old Road, is near our center. We developed a relationship with Radio Advent the first year we opened our center. Because of this relationship, they looked forward to putting our team on the air, including Kelvin Fomba (Co-Founder & Director), Godfrey Solomon (Administrator/Registrar), Boakai Dillion (2018 Graduate & Assistant Electrician Instructor), and Myrte Toe (Hotel Management Student).

Boakai Dillion (left) tells the listeners how his UDS experience is a blessing. He shared how he received contracts as an electrician before he graduated in March 2018. He returned as the assistant instructor to help with training our current students. (Godrey Solomon on top-right and Kelvin Fomba bottom-right)

Myrtle Doe (left) explained how her passion is to work in the hotel industry. She is grateful for UDS for offering this program. She shared her experience serving our guests from Sierra Leone Foundation for New Democracy-SLFND during the Permaculture training.

United Methodist Radio (98.7) - February 13

This station is in the neighboring suburb, Sinkor. We established a continued relationship with them since 2017. For this show, our team included Kelvin Fomba, Godfrey Solomon, Boakai Dillion, and Adjusting Kouadio (Computer Student).

Adjusting Kouadio (right) shared with the listeners how she used to feel like there was no hope but this changed for her when enrolling with the UDS computer course. She expressed her gratitude for how much she learned. She then encouraged the youth listening to come and learn at the UDS trade school. (Kelvin Fomba on left and Boakai Dillion at center).

Truth FM (96.1) - February 15

Friday, we went further away from our center to Duport Road in Paynesville, one of the largest suburbs of Monrovia. This talk show allowed listeners to call in and ask questions of our team: Kelvin Fomba, Godfrey Solomon, Amed Saah Blama (Hotel Management Instructor), and Abel Kabba (Plumbing Student).

Abel Kabba at right gave an inspiring talk about how his life transformed from living on the streets to learning a valuable trade at our vocational training center. He encouraged other youth in similar situations to know they have a choice for a better life by coming to UDS and learning a skill.

Your gracious and generous support inspires and motivates our students to succeed in their training. Please watch theses three short videos of Adjusting, Boakai, and Abel as they share their stories to the listeners. Thank you!


Adjusting Kouadio (UDS Computer Student), encourages youth to have hope and enroll in the UDS vocational training school.


Boakai Dillion, UDS 2018 Graduate & Assistant Electrician Instructor, shares how much UDS vocational training program transformed his life.

Abel Kabba (UDS Plumbing Student) shares his story how vocational training changed his life.


Let There Be Light!


Your Students' Final Projects