As a valued Classroom Hero, your Super Powers allow Liberian Youth to realize their own Star Potential. For the past year, your commitment and support has given young men and women the means to learn valuable skills and build self-confidence. Now, as they look forward to graduation, they possess the  skills to succeed; you made that possible.

As a result of your generous support, students like Jenneh Mambu (Catering Vice President - in photo) have hope for the future. In this video (at 2:10), Kelvin Fomba (UDS Co-Founder & Director - in photo) asks Jeanette if she could make food now for her and her family. She answers, "Oh yes... Right now, I am not looking for a job to do. I am looking for faith that I go empower myself." Also, she confirmed the rest of her fellow students feel the same way.

Kelvin Fomba (left) receiving cake from Jenneh Mambu (right)
You empowered Jenneh Mambu to create her own business.


Your Students' Final Projects


Announcing Upcoming Vocational Training Schedule