As we near the end of another one-year term of our vocational training courses, we wanted to announce the following schedule:

  • 2019/2020 VoTech student recruitment starts the end of January. Stay tuned to the radio airwaves in Liberia for more information.
  • 2018/2019 VoTech classes end February 28.
  • 2019/2020 VoTech classes start around the second week of March.
  • 2018/2019 Commencement Ceremony on March 31. If you are visiting Liberia at this time, please stop in and celebrate with our amazing graduates.

Please expect more updates in the next couple months as we prepare our current students for the transition after graduation and welcome our newest students.Before we go, this short video shows the front of our building as the permaculture training students return from their field assignments. We hope you will stop and visit our center in the near future. Thank you!



Empowered Liberian Youth


Recognizing Kelvin Fomba For His Dedicated Service