Our Cookbook team held a tasty meeting on December 1st, and tried the latest recipe: Mango Pie! This was made by Mary Rosendahl, our project lead. She used fresh mangos and added a blended flavor of cinnamon, nutmeg, and lemon juice. This was devoured by all at the meeting, and will definitely be added to the final Cookbook!Our graphic designer, Terri Sherwood, recently provided three Cookbook cover designs for us to review and decide what we liked. We decided to take ideas from two of the designs, which will bring vibrancy and "flavor" to our "Recipes for Learning Cookbook." This Cookbook will feature West African recipes; appetizers, drinks, desserts, main dishes and more, while also showcasing student stories and program information.It is exciting to see this important initiative moving toward its next steps of development. Please stay tuned (and hungry)!


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