In the Spirit of Thanksgiving, we extend our bighearted Thanks to You for supporting ambitious Liberian Youth! Your unending kindness, generosity, encouragement, and dedication to providing vocational training to Young Liberians are changing their lives for the better. You empower the children, young men and women you serve to reach for the Stars and discover their potential.On this Thanksgiving Day, we are also grateful to overcome unexpected challenges and use them as learning opportunities. Yesterday, high voltage power surge impacted the whole community. It caused a fire at one house and destroyed electrical equipment in many places including six computers in our lab. Our electrical students put their skills to work to replace all the fried wires in our center and Kelvin Fomba (Co-Founder & Country Director) had already fixed two of the six computers this morning.In the Spirit of Thanksgiving, we extend our bighearted Thanks to You for supporting ambitious Liberian Youth! Your unending kindness, generosity, encouragement, and dedication to providing vocational training to Young Liberians are changing their lives for the better. You empower the children, young men and women you serve to reach for the Stars and discover their potential.On this Thanksgiving Day, we are also grateful to overcome unexpected challenges and use them as learning opportunities. Yesterday, high voltage power surge impacted the whole community. It caused a fire at one house and destroyed electrical equipment in many places including six computers in our lab. Our electrical students put their skills to work to replace all the fried wires in our center and Kelvin Fomba (Co-Founder & Country Director) had already fixed two of the six computers this morning.


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UDS Completed BioSand Water Filtration Training