Learning a skill is important, but applying a skill is necessary; only through practice does something become a strength and empowering resource. Our Co-Founder & Director, Kelvin Fomba, recently worked with our team in Liberia to build a water filter and mold, just one week after completing the BioSands training process (by "Friendly Water for the World"). Kelvin downloaded a manual from a Website all the students were directed to and used that for guidance in building the mold. The mold used in training was made out of metal, but our team of innovators in Liberia decided to make theirs out of wood, as a way to save money and resources.After the mold was constructed, they poured cement inside of it to make the filter casing. The next day, after letting it dry overnight, they removed the filter casing from the mold. There is still some preparation before the rest of the filter can be completed, but Kelvin and his team have been working hard on this project; current assignments include gathering non-beach sand and gravel to make the diffuser plate. We are excited to have this filter at our center to provide clean, safe water to all attendants, and we look forward to painting it our colors!Please watch this short video of our team building the mold and making their first filter. This video features a sampling of the song “Let’s Come Together” written and produced by Othello Collins and vocals by Kendra Glenn Johnson. Please download this song on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play & Amazon and all proceeds will be donated to Uniting Distant Stars.   


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