Our team completed their six days of training on November 18 with Friendly Water of the World. This training provided a great deal of knowledge about clean water and how to use the filtration system to remove harmful pathogens. We are extremely grateful to our two sponsors, Yeamah Brewer and John Buettner, who helped cover our team's food and transportation.The following photos show what they learned each dayDay 2 involved washing the gravel and sand that will be used in the filter.  Day 3 included sifting the sand and a demonstration of how to use the filter.  Day 4 they continued to work in preparing to make the filter from the mold.  Day 5 included group work on how to implement the filtration system into the communities. Also, the trainers--Wayne, Ken, and Alisa--visited our center. Kelvin presented Wayne & Ken with country cloth shirts he made (weaving), and Alisa received one of our backpacks that our youth made from recycled plastic.  Day 6 they were able to test their second mold and celebrate their graduation.  


Giving Thanks to You Today and Everyday


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