Empowering UDS Educators With Chromebooks and Spreading Holiday Cheer With Rice
Before closing down for the holiday, UDS issued Chromebooks to our educators and staff. We also gave them 25 kilos of rice for their Christmas gift.
UDS Academic Teachers standing with Kelvin Fomba (orange shirt), Co-Founder and Director. We bought 10 50-Kilo bags of rice that were split between two staff members including vocational training instructors.
UDS is a small school with a limited budget. However, we strive to take care of our team. Although we pay our staff a small stipend, they receive it on time each month. In addition, we allow our staff to enroll in one of our vocational training courses for free. We continue to find ways to appreciate your hardworking educators.
On December 16 and 17, Kelvin Fomba (Co-Founder and Director) and Myrtle S Toe (Business Manager and Registrar) issued 20 Chromebooks to each instructor, staff member, and teacher along with 25 kilos of rice (divided from 10 50-kilo bags for $200). The Chromebooks arrived the week before and the remaining 30 will be used for the students. Thanks again, Erin Bagniewski for donating the Chromebooks!