Alumni Testimonial: Amara Omaru Siryon’s Glowing Endorsement of UDSVTC

Amara Omaru Siryon posted about why students should consider enrolling at the Uniting Distant Stars Vocational Training Center (UDSVTC). He graduated from our electrician course in 2021 and we appreciated his glowing endorsement of our work.

Big thanks go to the entire staffers and administrations of Uniting Distant Stars Vocational Training Center (UDS) specifically, Boakai Dillon for his huge electrical knowledge. Sincerely, Uniting Distant Stars Vocational Training Center is a gigantic and highly practical vocational institution for those who want to be self-employed through trade. The marks they have left as a vocational institution in Liberia are unmeasurable because they give you a 50.5% scholarship to enroll to earn a diploma in any discipline you wish to do with passion and commitment.

Based on that, you can make use of this opportunity to spearhead your skills and talent positively. They are offering a few courses which are: Electricity, Computer, Catering, Interior Decoration, Pluming, cosmetology, Tailoring, Soap making, Industrial wiring and so on. For any additional information about some courses which you want to do, you can reach on the campus and they are located: Old Road, Divine Town Community, behind York Plaza Hotel. The motto of the school as I quoted, is “Forward ever, backward never.”
Amara writes…
— Amara's Facebook Page (he gave us permission to share)

Meet Your Graduates: Congrats to the 7th Cohort of Vocational Training Students!