UDS Students Visit Sites of a Famous Liberian Novelist

Do you remember some of the novels you read in school? For Liberian students, their required read is "Murder in the Cassava Patch" by Bai T. Moore. Although this is classified as a fictional story, there is a belief such a murder did happen. In recent years, the Phila Institute dedicated a site for the story.

On June 15, 2024, Kelvin Fomba took UDS Academy's tenth and eleventh-grade students on a field trip to Bomi County. First, they stopped at Dewein District to see the grave of Tenneh, the woman killed in the novel, and the stone used to sharpen the cutlass (murder weapon). 

Next, they visited the graves of Bai T. Moore, his wife, and a famous Liberian musician dedicated by the former--and first woman--President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf in 2010.

Most Liberian students living in Monrovia never leave the city or take field trips within it. For our 30-plus students, they enjoyed the opportunity. Did you find field trips valuable as a student? 


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