What Makes a Competitive Quizzing & Spelling Bee Teams

When we started our UDS Academy in 2018, we wanted to provide quality education to children and youth unable to afford private schools. Moving to 2021, our students proved their abilities by winning quizzing and spelling bee contests. They outcompete older students older from other schools.

How did UDS become so competitive? Tony Zowah, one of our academic teachers, makes this possible. He coaches the students and prepares them for the annual contests and championships. They have been winning each year.

One of the spelling bee team members, Lawrence Freeman, shared how the teams were doing on March 23rd and what was next.

We won our game. The UDS quizzers won with 260 points while the opponents were having negative 5. The spelling bee team won with 95 points while the opponents was having 20 points. All thanks to bro, Tony Zowah for coaching us the right way.

We will be playing on April 3, in the SAGO League. Then April 4, at the NYFAC League, and April 5, in the third league at Smart Kids Resource Center.

Lawrence Freeman, Uniting Distant Stars Academy Student

The 2023/2024 teams include the following:

  • Spelling Bee Team
    • Darling-girl Gbo
    • Faith Sayway
    • Lawrence Freeman
    • Jackqueline Sayway
    • Anna Fayiah

  • Quizzing Team
    • Junior Peabody
    • Marthalyne Clinton
    • Marcus Weetor
    • Angel Wilson
    • Jackqueline Gbowre
    • Tarnue Jallah
    • Wisdom Jallah

They won two of the three district tournaments that Lawrence mentioned above. The team will go to the semi-finals on April 18. We will keep you posted.


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Uniting Distant Stars Update 4/1/24 with quick updates & discussion with a computer student