Uniting Distant Stars Update 4/1/24 with quick updates & discussion with a computer student

Welcome to April, Everyone! Heather Cannon, Uniting Distant Stars Co-Founder and Executive Director, is joined by Adam Pederson, Board Chair; Kelvin Fomba, Co-Founder & Director; Zachariah Tate, Computer Student; and Manfred Gibson, Assistant Computer Instructor. Heather started with some quick updates before we talked with Zack and Manfred.

Please note there were some technical issues with the screen share, but the links to the articles are provided below.

Summary of updates:

00:34 Next Virtual Tea Time is April 27 from 10 to 11 AM CST. Email info@unitingdistantstars.com to reserve your seat.

01:03 A moment to remember Ishmael Gabbidon, who passed away unexpectedly on March 10, one week before his 24th birthday. Here is the link to his memoriam.

02:10 Catering students getting prepared for their upcoming practicials. Here is the blog post to learn more.

02:26 Academic students are learning computers. Here is the blog link.

02:41 Cosmetology students started braiding and plaiting hair. Check out the blog post.

02:52 Electrician students, including one female, recently had a field trip to wire a three-bedroom home. Learn more in our blog post.

03:13 Event decoration students are making flower vases from recycled wine bottles. Please read the blog post.

03:53 We wished everyone born in April a happy birthday and reminded them to consider UDS a birthday fundraiser. Start your birthday fundraiser here.

04:25 Kelvin starts to extend his thanks to everyone! He shares why he likes birthday fundraisers to celebrate your special day. He talked about the one he did last year and announced he would do another this year. His birthday is April 12, and plans to raise funds for 12 students’ tuition. Depending on how much is raised will determine if it goes to academic, vocational, or a combination of both.

11:19 The discussion with Zack and Manfred starts. Zack was a former UDS Academy student who attended two years of 8th and 9th grade (2020 to 2022). Since UDS did not offer high school yet, he left to participate in another school for 10th and 11th. However, he dropped out after that because tuition was too high to complete his 12 grade.

In 2024, he returned to UDS to enroll in the computer training course and has actively shared what he is learning on Facebook. He also plans to enroll in the 12th grade in September with UDS. Manfred became Kelvin’s computer instructor aide. He is Myrtle Stoe’s son, the business office manager, and second in command.

Manfred has helped fill in when Kelvin is pulled in other directions. He is very comfortable teaching and enjoys how UDS develops lesson plans.

Adam and Heather ask both Zack and Manfred a series of questions. Some of the reoccurring themes gleaned from this discussion were that UDS feels like home and family. UDS puts education ahead of making money. They shared how UDS guides children and youth to take the right path, mainly if behavioral issues exist at home or school.

Here are some quotes:

  • Zack, “I know if I learn computers at UDS, I will definitely learn it to the best of my fingertips. Even if I could go anywhere, there would be no obstacles because I know who is teaching me.“

  • Manfred talked about why people are losing or not getting jobs because they lack computer skills. He said, “Most of them have a hard time having stable jobs with no computer skills.”

  • Manfred explained why young people should use our computer program. “We take our time” working with students. “We have fast and slow learners and can take extra time” for the latter.

  • Zack, “I encourage any young fellow to enroll in computers because you come to UDS to learn computers. What you come for is what exactly they give you.”

  • Manfred, “UDdon’ta home for learning, and you feel at home.” He said this because some students don’t want to go home after the school day.


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