Uniting Distant Stars Update 01/01/24 - Happy New Year with a recap of 2023 and goals for 2024.

We start the first 2024 update with our co-founders, Kelvin Fomba in Liberia and Heather Cannon in Minnesota. Kelvin’s internet did give a challenge, so please excuse these disruptions.

Update Summary:

  • 01:08 Heather wished all January-born a Happy Birthday and promoted Facebook Birthday Fundraisers (peer-to-peer). Kelvin shared what he raised funds for during his 2023 birthday fundraiser. Start yours today.

  • 04:04 Heather shared the December 22, 2023, Children’s Christmas Party with the Giving Hands Foundation. Kelvin recommends you check the videos from the event on our YouTube Channel to experience the fun. Learn more.

  • 06:18 Heather shared our We Sparkle site, a mobile tool that provides quick links to the website and social media, shows other ways to connect, and the many ways to support our work in Liberia. Check it out here.

  • 07:21 Heather promoted the upcoming Virtual Tea Time on January 27 from 10 AM to 11 AM, featuring some students from our 7th cohort of vocational training students who started this month.

  • 07:49 Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel. Please help us grow our community and unlock additional tools to promote our work in Liberia.

  • 08:30 Heather and Kelvin provided a recap of what was accomplished in 2023:

    • 1) Achieved 100% solar energy--spending a minimum of $300 in gas for generator and electric company, and now save 80%

    • 2) Introduced two new classes - Driver’s Ed and Satellite Dish & Solar

    • 3) Started making cement blocks for the new Brewerville campus

    • 4) Refreshed computer lab with newer laptops - Thank you, Branko Tambah of Tambah Foundation

    • 5) New logo and brand - Thank you, Matthew Manning of Gumbo Media - website in the works

    • 6) Added three new Board members

    • 7) Grew from 4 to 7 Star Champion Monthly donors

    • 8) 10th-anniversary celebrations in Liberia and Minnesota

    • 9) Expanded academic to senior high

    • 10) Graduated 6th cohort of vocational training students and

    • 11) Developed partnerships with the Tambah Foundation and Giving Hands Foundation

  • 30:07 Heather and Kelvin discussed some of the 2024 plans:

    • 1) Heather shared US needs such as volunteers for short-term projects

    • 2) create FAQs on the We Sparkle site to integrate with UDS Messenger and text messaging apps

    • 3) Kelvin laid out Liberian goals such as starting the 7th cohort of vocational students training

    • 4).plans to modernize the vocational tools and materials and learning labs

    • 5) improve the academic program such as developing STEM

    • 6) find good people to join our team and

    • 7) start building the new Brewerville center

  • 41:35 Kelvin and Heather gave their final thoughts and wished everyone a Happy New Year!


A warm welcome to our 7th cohort of vocational training students


Happy New Year! Thank you for celebrating ten years of Service in 2023!