Thank You For Making Our 10th Anniversary Event a Success!
Let's get started with a recap of our 10th Anniversary Event on September 23, 2023.
First, this event raised, after expenses, approximately $6,242.54 from donations, raffle tickets, silent auction bids, and ticket sales. We will calculate the final total once some of the unused items are returned and receive the money back.
Next, Thank You to our event partners and sponsors that helped make it a success!
Ifri LLC, Tashi George - Event Partner
Tambah Foundation, Branko Saah Tambah - Gold Sponsor
Anonymous - Silver Sponsor
And we want to Thank all those who donated as follows:
Adam Pederson
Amal Khamis
Anika & Philip Kaleewoun
Dan Kuha
Darlington Wleh
Diane Anastos
Donna Cannon
Douglas Rutherford
Easter Emmanuel
Eurel Nwachie
Florkime Paye
Frank Ngafau
Gail Pederson
Gary & Gail Pederson
Gwen Kuha
Heather Cannon
Henry Dolopei
James Ledlum Jr.
Jessi Lynn
Jimbo & Rachel (Smith) Jahnz
Kim Kokett
Laurel Ostrow
Maya Kaperick
Milpha & JB Blamo
Nathaniel Browne
Patrick Tarr
Paul Ostrow
Philip Kaleewoun
Sovady Huston
Trey Witcraft
Yeamah Brewer
Plus, we need to Thank our planning team, event day volunteers, and food vendors as follows:
Event Team: Eurel Nwachi, Adam Pederson, Jessie Lynn, Sovady Huston, Diane Anastos, and Tashi George.
Volunteers: Gary and Gail Pederson, Rich Berkley, Trey Witcraft, and anyone that I may have missed.
Food Vendors: Delly J’s Jamaican Catering LLC and Oga Madam Kitchen.
Finally, here are some of the photos from the event.
Adam Paderson took this photo from the rooftop deck of downtown Minneapolis. We couldn’t use it due to rain.
Heather Cannon (UDS Co-Founder & Executive Director) shared her story about traveling and living in Liberia. Then, she gave the story of how Uniting Distant Stars was founded and how it has grown.
Tashie George of Ifri LLC (Event Partner) shared her experience visiting the UDS Campus in Liberia and then moved into fundraising, asking people to donate specific amounts.
Left to right, James Ledlum, Jr. of Giving Hands Foundation sharing his desire to partner with UDS, Paul Ostrow (UDS Board Treasurer), Tashie George, Branko Tambah of Tambah Foundation (Gold Sponsor), and Heather Cannon
Left to right: Heather Cannon, Branko Saah Tambah (Gold Sponsor), and Paul Ostrow