Satellite Installation Students Learn How to Connect an Analog Finder to Track the Dish

Our media person, Mohammed Gbettu, turns the mic over to our Satellite Dish and Solar Installation Instructor, Augustus Appleton, during a class demonstration on May 5, 2023.

Instructor Appleton introduced this class discussion that they would be installing an analog and digital satellite finder. This video focuses on the analog finder.

Instructor Appleton explained how the analog finder.

He demonstrates the connection of the analog finder and explains what the students should expect in each step. You will hear the satellite make a sound as it tracks to find the satellite. Please note they are using solar power for the electricity.

Instructor Appleton with this students as he demonstrates the analog finder.

Uniting Distant Stars is fortunate to learn from Instructor Appleton because he shares his knowledge and experience to ensure their success.


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