Your continued support of Liberian Youth is changing their lives for the better. You may not fully appreciate your impact, but what you have accomplished in helping these ambitious young men and women gain marketable skills at our training center is paramount to their success.On Saturday, October 13, 2018, the Honorable Jackson George, Consul General, Liberian Consulate of Minnesota, attended our board meeting to share his experiences and observations while visiting our center in July. He conveyed to our board members and volunteers participating in person or on Google Hangout how much we are doing on very little. He shared:1) How impressed he was with our students and their hunger to learn.2) An explanation of how the current economic situation makes life challenging:

  • With an unemployment rate of about 85%, it is challenging for young people to find work, so the work of UDS is instrumental in the students finding employment or entrepreneurship.
  • UDS graduates are more prepared to be ready to work than young people graduating from Liberian universities due to the practical application training they receive.

3) A pledge to assist in promoting the work of UDS with Liberian government authorities and other agencies where collaboration can help strengthen our programs.And you have made this possible through your investment in their training, ultimately leading to their success!

Left to right: Adam Pederson, Board Secretary; Diane Anastos, Board Treasurer; Miriam Monono Issac, Board Member; Jackson George, Consul General; Beyan Gonowolo, Board Member; & Mary Rosendahl, Board Member. Two volunteers: Sonal Suri and Melissa Meach joined by Google Hangout.


UDS Students Demonstrate that Practice Makes Perfect


Making UDS Known to the Surrounding Community