Do you remember when Abel Kabba (Plumbing Student) said, "Thank you very much for doing great things that you aren't even noticing"? It is hard to convey in our newsletters how much you are doing to help young men and women in Liberia receive quality training at our center. You are providing the necessary resources to make this possible. You are buying the practical materials, equipment, and tools to apply what they are learning in their respective courses. You are ensuring these students will graduate next year prepared and ready to start working immediately in their given trade.Our cosmetology students are an example of how "practice makes perfect." Each class they find their own clients and apply the many different styles of braids. This is called plaiting hair and is a unique art-form because it can take several hours of weaving their real hair with extensions. These type of hairstyles protect the ends of the hair and decrease tangling, breaking and shedding.

Your investment in our students allows them to perfect their craft. Photos by Roseline Sonday, Instructor

You can see your students are focused and detail-oriented while plaiting their client's hair. Photos by Roseline Sonday, Instructor


A Dinner & Movie Fundraiser - November 3 - 6:00 PM to 9:30 PM


You Are Making a Big Difference for Liberian Youth