When you set a goal, it is always recommended to outline the small steps you plan to take, in order to bring it to fruition. Somewhere along your journey, it's natural to question when will you reach your destination; but, if you just keep walking, you will eventually see how every brave, thoughtful step worked together to bring your goal to realization. 
You walked with us each step of the way, as we strove to turn our dreams into a reality for these last three and half years. The benevolence you've shown for the children and youth in Liberia has allowed us to Reach New Heights in 2016, with acquiring and opening the Uniting Distant Stars Training Center. Now, as we move into 2017, you have provided the opportunity to launch our Vocational Training Classesstarting February 1st. 
Godfrey is holding one of the shirts selected for the vocational training students' uniforms.
We extend a whole-hearted "Thanks" for your unyielding generosity during our year-end campaign. You collectively raised $3,520 for our Tools for Success Campaign. Another $1,315 was added for the continuation of our Backpacks for Peace program, since sewing is one of the vocational training classes being offered at our center. This week our team in Liberia will be purchasing these Tools for Success to ensure our eager students benefit from our classes. 
During the first three weeks of 2017, Team Liberia has been busy with prepping for the upcoming classes. On Saturday, January 14, they held an informational program for students who passed the entrance exam. They invited people from the community and raised $110 in donations. $100 came from one of the guests, and $10 from a student who registered for classes; what a vote of confidence it is to collect this student donation! 
UDS Youth Leader Princess gives the opening address at the informational program.


You have provided a pathway for these young people to learn valuable skills.


Mrs. Audrey Johnson, who works at the airport donated $100 and gave an inspirational talk to our youth.
The $110 donation was quickly invested in the ongoing renovations of our training center. They enclosed the open pathway between the property fence and the wall of building to create more usable space for our programs. They roofed it and cast the floor. 
Our team enclosed this pathway between the fence and outer wall of the building.


UDS Co-Founder and Country Director, Kelvin Fomba, casting the floor for this new space.


Our volunteers bringing in the sand and cement which will be hand-mixed before it is poured.
Thank you for staying the course with us, as we carry forward on our journey toward providing young Liberians with education and vocational training opportunities

Press Release: Introducing 2017 Board Officers and New Youth Board Member


Highlights from 2016 Christmas Celebration