Press Release: Introducing 2017 Board Officers and New Youth Board Member

Minnesota, January 28th- Uniting Distant Stars proudly introduces our 2017 Board Officers! The board added a vice chair to our officer position to serve as backup for the chair. Miriam Monono is our new board chair, who has served as the lead for our fundraiser committee since joining in 2014. Florkime Paye steps into the vice chair role and she has been serving various capacities since 2014. Adam Pederson retains his role as secretary for the second consecutive year, who became a board member in 2016. Diane Anastos moves into the treasurer role after graciously serving as the board chair for the last two years.
Left to right: Miriam Monono (chair), Florkime Paye (vice chair), Adam Pedeson (secretary),  Diane Anastos (treasurer)

We are excited to announce the installation of Anna Bertch as our first youth board member. As a youth organization, it is vital to bring in the voices of teenagers, who best understand the unique perspectives of the people we serve in Liberia. We hope to add one more teenager to our board in the coming months.

Anna Bertch

Please welcome and congratulate Miriam, Florkime, Adam, Diane and Anna to their new positions with the Uniting Distant Stars Board!!!

Uniting Distant Stars™, Inc. is a 501(c)3 tax deductible organization registered non-profit corporation in Minnesota, and accredited and registered non-government organization (NGO) in Liberia, West Africa. We operate a training center in Liberia providing academic support such as after school study classes and vocational training courses to youth. For more information, please contact us at

The Joy of Training Youth to Succeed


Small Steps Lead to Big Goals