Uniting Distant Stars Honors Staff With A Dinner
On October 18, Uniting Distant Stars hosted a staff dinner during Heather Cannon’s (U.S. Co-Founder and Executive Director) visit.
The dinner showcased the Catering and Event Decoration Students’ skills. The Catering students made the dinner with fried rice, spaghetti, and fried chicken, and the Event Decoration Students dressed the table and chairs in UDS blue and gold colors. Also, Frank Tugbeh (Catering Instructor) and Myrtle S Toe (Business Manager) made a refreshing tropical fruit juice.
We streamed the dinner on Facebook. The dinner opened with a prayer from Pastor Amos Toe (Academic Teacher). Then Kelvin Fomba (Liberia Co-Founder & Director) welcomes everyone and explains why they held the dinner. He then showed how the UDS students made this dinner possible: catering students cooked the meal and the event decoration students prepared the dinner table and chairs.
Uniting Distant Stars Academic Teachers and Vocational Instructors Enjoying Their Dinner
Godfrey Solomon, an Academic Teacher, made a statement and welcomed Heather. Next, Kelvin shared some updates as follows:
Heather donated eight wall fans for the classrooms
Tambah Foundation donated a tablet with 3,000 e-books
Saintanne Tipton donated 20+ backpacks
Adam Pederson donated a 2TB hard drive to help backup UDS files
Installed WiFi and Princess Dayee pledged to pay the monthly fee.
Erin Bagniewski donated a flash drive with 3,000 e-books and 50 Chromebooks
Other teachers gave remarks. Then they asked about Heather’s involvement in UDS. She shared when she first came to Liberia and how UDS started. After she concluded her remarks, the Event Decoration Students presented Heather with handmade gifts, a bath rug made of recycled materials and a pair of slippers.
Kelvin followed up on how we can promote our students and the school by getting service contracts.
In Part 2, Ayo Dee Richard (UDS Academic Teacher) talked about using media to recruit the next vocational training cohort. He added that he like to help teach journalism as a course. Kelvin welcomed the idea and explained our recruitment process. The video continues as everyone enjoys their meal.
Uniting Distant Stars Co-Founders, Academic Teachers, Vocational Training Instructors, and Staff