04/27/2024 Virtual Tea Time Recap

The Virtual Team Time is our favorite event because it connects you with the young people you are helping. Since starting these in July 2022, the participants can ask the students any questions, and the youth can quiz the guests. No questions were vetted before this event, allowing a fundamental understanding of the day-to-day struggles faced by Liberian youth.

Before each event, our team in Liberia find interested students and staff who like to interact with our guests for one-hour. We look for people who live near campus or have the means to transport themselves. The event hosts are the following:

1) Heather Cannon, Co-Founder & Executive Director of USA,

2) Kelvin Fomba, Co-Founder & Director of Liberia.


Everyone was asked to share their name and what brings them joy.

  1. Donna Cannon enjoys springtime.
  2. Paul Ostrow is a UDS board member (treasurer), and his joy is baseball, with the Minnesota Twins winning five straight games.
  3. Josh Westergren is a UDS volunteer and enjoys being outdoors in nature.
  4. Martina Gargard loves salsa dancing.
  5. Heather Cannon, love spring and the renewal of life.
  6. Marthaline Yarpah, 8th grade and top quizzer, loves learning.
  7. Junior S. Peabody, 7th grade and quizzing captain, finds joy in education.
  8. Touna Mark Yohn is an Electrician student who enjoys practicing his skills in the field.
  9. Melvina Saye is a Catering student who loves God and is developing her skills.
  10. Tony M. Zowah is a quizzing teacher and enjoys teaching children.
  11. Kelvin Fomba’s joy is helping children and youth learn.

Guest Questions

  1. Paul wanted to know more about the quizzing team, and Martina also expressed an interest in this. Tony explained that they quiz on science, math, English, and history. The team competes with other schools and has won championships for three consecutive years. Kelvin added that the quizzing team helps students learn faster and build confidence because they have to speak in front of others.
  2. Donna asked how long their school year was, which was broken into vocational and academic. 1) Vocational is one year, and they meet three days a week for three to four hours of class time. The first two months are theoretical and move to practical for the next ten months. 2) The academic school year starts in September and ends in June or July.
  3. Josh was curious about the practical field training. Kelvin gave two examples: catering and electricians. The caterers bring in the ingredients and make the food at school. Then, they sell their food on campus and get their money back. The electricians do practicals on campus, such as installing a plyboard. However, the instructor tries to get a contract to do installation at a home or buildings like churches.
  4. Paul asked where they lived and how they got to work. Three live in Gaye Town and usually take a motorbike to school. The other two live near the campus and walk to school.
  5. Martina asked if UDS could partner with companies so that students could get practical experience. Kelvin explained that some connections will support our students, and many won’t. For example, in 2019, Kailando Hotel interned four to five of our students. Before their graduation, they were employed, and one became the manager.

Student Questions

  • Touna wanted to know how to support the electrician students in helping modernize their lab. Heather explains that vocational training is expensive because of the need for materials and tools. Also, do we do our best to keep up with the changes for each trade career we offer?
  • Martina inquired about other institutions and government buildings for UDS to utilize for their practicals. Kelvin explained that we are better than most of the government institutions. He explained how they don't share their space with private schools and have misused their materials such as selling them.
  • Melvina wanted to know who we were. They dropped during our introductions, and so everyone reintroduced themselves.
  • Marthaline asked when Heather would come back to Liberia.
  • Tony asked for support for the quizzing team, such as scholarships, transportation, and materials to help them prepare for competitions. Paul asked Kelvin for a list of materials needed.


Uniting Distant Stars Update 5/1/24 on programs and recent Virtual Tea Time


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