Uniting Distant Stars Young Academic Students Learn Computer Basics
UDS Co-Founder and Computer Instructor introduces our academic students to computing and gives them a hand-up in their education.
UDS Academy Students have started their computer course and are eager for this opportunity.
Uniting Distant Stars Computer Course is one of our oldest. It started in 2016 and remains our most popular one. When we first launched it in 2016, it was open to students of all ages. One year later, we opened our center, and this course attracted young adults. In 2024, we have returned to including our academic students because computers are a crucial skill to learn in the 21st century.
In the photos below, Kelvin Fomba, UDS Co-Founder and Computer Instructor, is teaching students what to expect in this course in the coming months.
UDS Co-Founder and Computer Instructor teaches basic computing to academic students.