Uniting Distant Stars Update 12/1/2023 - Recap of 6th Graduation Ceremony and much more.

Heather Cannon, Co-Founder & Executive Director, gave a quick update in under 10 minutes to share our past, current, and future activities as we close out 2023.

  • 00:42 Happy Birthday to our December-born viewers! If you would like to celebrate and host a peer-to-peer Facebook fundraiser, please click here to get started.
  • 02:05 Recap on our 6th vocational training cohort graduation ceremony. Click on this link to read more and watch short videos from the celebration:
  • 03:31 Recruitment has started for our 7th cohort of vocational training students. Please call one of these numbers: +231-770-672-461, +231-880-892-801, or +231-770-797-061 to inquire about our 50% tuition for one of these courses: Catering, Computer, Cosmetology, Electricity, Event Decoration, Hotel Management, Plumbing, Satellite TV and Solar Installation, and Tailoring.
  • 05:29 Thank you to all who helped raise $2,100 during Minnesota’s Give to the Max Day.
  • 06:19 The year-end campaign started on Giving Tuesday (11/28/23) and will end on 12/31/23. There are many ways to donate CashApp $UDSStars, Venmo @udstars, website and Facebook.
  • 07:16 For our year-end campaign, you can receive a Box of Hope for $50 or more donations.
  • 07:56 Remember to subscribe to our YouTube Channel.
  • 08:10 Thank you for all your support, and Happy Holidays, Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanzaa.
  • Learn more about the 11 Holidays Celebrated throughout the world in December.



Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas! Enjoy children singing Feliz Navidad.


UDS Held Their 6th Graduation Ceremony on 11/4/23