Uniting Distant Stars Update 11/1/2023 - Recap of two Virtual Events and much more.

Heather Cannon, Uniting Distant Stars Co-Founder & Executive Director, gives an update about virtual events in the October and November giving season.

00.22 Facebook Birthday Reminder.

01:39 Please Subscribe to our YouTube channel

02:24 Recap of UDS Youth Entrepreneurship Workshop With We Sparkle.

03:46 Recap of 10/28/23 Virtual Tea Time.

04:50 Shared post on Janet Johnson, electrician student.

05:36 Announced 2023 Give to the Max Campaign with $1,000 Matching Grant - https://www.givemn.org/story/uds2023

05:59 Talked about the upcoming Giving Tuesday campaign on November 28 - more details will be posted later. Check our Facebook page.

07:07 6th Cohort Graduation planned for November

07:13 Recruitment started for the 7th cohort. Email info@unitingdistantstars.com for more information.

10:22 Thank you for all your support!

Bonus Information:

Liberia’s Thanksgiving is November 2

US Thanksgiving is November 23


UDS Held Their 6th Graduation Ceremony on 11/4/23


10/28/23 Virtual Tea Time Replay