Your 2022 Year-End Review

Thank you for a successful 2022!  As the world felt the shock of the war in Ukraine, along with skyrocketing inflation and ongoing supply chain issues, you helped us stay the course. 

During the last year, we graduated the fifth cohort of students and welcomed the sixth. Also, Heather Cannon (US Co-Founder & Executive Director) returned to Liberia after nine years and saw first-hand how your generous support opened doors for Liberian Youth.

Looking ahead to 2023, we started the year by adding a driver’s education program, reaching 100% solar energy capacity, and planning our new campus in Brewerville, Liberia. Our 2021 anonymous $50,000 donor made all these initiatives possible. Additionally, 2023 marks our 10th Anniversary, and that is an accomplishment we all need to celebrate!


You generously raised $16,545.01 for Liberian Youth in 2022. Here is the breakdown:

  • 83% from businesses and individuals

    • 17% of employer match programs


    Uniting Distant Stars allocated $27,198.03 to the programs and projects listed below. Please note that $10,787.80 from the 2021 donations carried over.

    • The 4th and 5th cohorts of students received learning materials and supplies from your generous help of $5,705 (20.98%). You supported 70 graduates from the 5th cohort who received their diplomas on October 15, 2021.
    • Two sponsors for six vocational training students for 50% scholarships or learning materials support for $515 (1.89%).
    • Three sponsors supported eight academic students with full 2022--2023 school year scholarships at $1.520 (5.59%).
    • Capital purchases of a used Toyota Corolla with license, insurance, and accessories for Driver’s Ed and Solar installation equipment and labor at $17,500 (64.34%)
    • Administrative costs at $1,958.03 (7.2%).


      Furthermore, current assets are $18,021.34, of which 29% is allocated for projects from the 2021 large donor, 21% for the new center construction), 3% for programs, 40% unrestricted funds for operational and program needs, and 7% set aside for reserves. If you want to see how this compares to 2021, click this link.


      Our heartfelt Thanks to all our supporters for your continued commitment to Liberian students receiving quality education! (*** represents Star Champions (Monthly Donors)

      Electrican Students working on their final project before October 15, 2022, Graduation

      Catering student making rose from fondant icing.

      Event decoration students making hand-made decorations.

      Cosmtology Student giving a manicure.

      Board Members, Volunteers & Staff

      Not all staff are in the photo and the list is not in the order of people standing.


      Uniting Distant Stars Update 3/1/2023 On Our New Courses & Development


      Electrician Students Proudly Teach The US Co-Founder What They Learned Before Graduation