Partnership of Tambah Foundation & Uniting Distant Stars Replay

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First, Thank You to Branko Tambah for hosting this live event to discuss our partnership! Next, I want to highlight some topics discussed in this video chat. Branko’s foundation will:

  1. sponsor six students (three males & three females) per year with scholarships for our vocational training courses
  2. provide a future online course for alumni and students interested in the construction business
  3. host an annual event
  4. give other support.

When Branko turned it over to me, I gave an overview of our programs and explained the meaning behind our name of Uniting Distant Stars.

While Kelvin Fomba (Co-Founder & Director in Liberia) had network challenges, he connected twice and talked about our programs. He shared how we listen and work with the youth and the surrounding committee in developing and growing our programs. He also emphasized the importance of our staff and how he provides additional benefits with their small monthly stipend.

Below is the replay of this one-hour event, which is worth watching. You will better understand our past, present, and future partnering with the Tambah Foundation.

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Partnership Spotlight: Tambah Foundation & Uniting Distant Stars in Liberia - 12/10/22 at 1 PM CST