Happy Thanksgiving! We Give Thanks For Your Support of Liberian Youth

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Happy Thanksgiving! May this be a day to give thanks for your family, friends, health, and life. All of us at Uniting Distant Stars wish you a wonderful holiday. 

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We are extremely grateful that you include Uniting Distant Stars in your charitable giving. In 2022, your support graduated 69 students from our 5th commencement ceremony and welcomed the 6th cohort of young people seeking to learn trade skills. 

Recently, when we posted information about our current recruitment, three of our alumni commented about their experiences. First, Adolphus Kollie graduated in 2021 as an electrician who started his own construction business. Second, Theophilus Dobson Jr. graduated in 2022  as an electrician and participated in our first Virtual Tea Time. Third, Sylvester Yeah, Jr. graduated in computers in 2019 and stayed with UDS as an academic teacher and special assistant to the director. From their comments, you can see how much your generous support changes their lives for the better.

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Giving Tuesday is November 29 & Reach High to the Stars for Uniting Distant Stars


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