Surprise Gift on July 24th from IFRI LLC

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Today, Uniting Distant Stars Vocational Training Center received a special visit from Ethelene James Konton, Sr. Business Consultant from IFRI LLC, founded by Tashie George. Ethelene and her team gave a gift of food--rice, oil, sardines, and vita chicken cubes--and PPE such as face masks and alcohol.

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Kelvin Fomba received the gift and expressed his gratitude on the behalf of Uniting Distant Stars. He stressed how the COVID is delaying the education of children and youth along with business people. He shared how this will be shared with all members of Uniting Distant Stars. This was all filmed live on Fortune TV Liberia (watch below). 

When Kelvin and Tashie chatted on the phone today, he shared how this gift was a welcomed blessing. They had planned to have a country cookout on Wednesday to celebrate Liberia's Independent Day (officially July 26th) and the closing of another school year. 

Uniting Distant Stars and IRFI LLC (aka IFRI-Mart) have been partners in doing good since 2015. We share a common theme of providing a better tomorrow for young people. And you are part of this noble goal. 

Our heartfelt Thanks go to Tashie, Ethelen and all of IRFI LLC! 

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