Thank you for being a guiding light during this most challenging year! You stepped up when we needed you to provide COVID-19 handwashing kits to Liberian Children and Youth. Again, you showed up to help 62 students receive their diplomas in August. Your continued commitment made all the difference with your students and graduates.


You generously raised $22,904 for Liberian Children and Youth during a challenging year. This includes the $3,857 from the year-end campaign from November to December. Here is the breakdown:

  • 68% from businesses and individuals
  • 27% from employer matches and contributions from United Way campaigns. Fortunately, two companies increased their matches from 1:1 to 2:1 due to COVID.
  • 5% from in-kind donations.


Uniting Distant Stars allocated $19,642 to the following programs:

  • Both vocational and academy students (410 total) received COVID handwashing kits in May. You raised $3,072 (16%) to cover the costs of powdered handsoap and bleach.
  • 62 graduates received their diplomas on August 1 with your help of $1000 (5%).
  • A graduate made about 500 masks to welcome students back from a $500 (3%) employer match donation.
  • Three people sponsored 11 vocational training students with half or full scholarships for $960 (5%).
  • Three sponsors supporting 14 academic students with full scholarships for the 2020-2021 school year at $3,905 (20%).
  • Two classes (2019-20 and 2021-21) received learning materials to apply their skills in their respective courses at $6,115 (31%). Due to COVID, we suspended classes from March to September.
  • One-year rent at $1,700 (9%) for our training center in Liberia. The five-year lease ended in May 2020. 
  • Staff development valued at $1,120 with in-kind service (6%).
  • Adminstrative costs at $1,270 (7%).

Furthermore, current assets are $10,787.80 which 65% is allocated for 2020/2021 learning materials & supplies, 18% for next year's rent and administrative needs, and 8% vocational student scholarship fund (one donor) for the 2021/2022 class. The remaining 9% is the reserve fund. If you like to compare with 2019, click on this link

Our heartfelt gratitude for ensuring your students continue to receive the education they deserve! 

Your generous giving helped Liberian Youth have a successful year!


Your 2020 Giving Statements Arrive Soon


Happy New Year! Hopes for 2021