Annita Johnney

You know your giving matters when a recipient pays it forward. During the early part of August, we started making masks for students. One of your graduates, Annita Johnney along with her instructor, Jerry Paypay, made over 500 masks. In fact, they used Kelvin Fomba's (Liberian Co-Founder & Director) design he developed back in May.

Additionally, the funds used for this project were part of an employer matching gift. During our COVID-19 fundraiser, a $250 donation turned into a $500 matching gift. When the $500 arrived in late July, we immediately applied it to this project.

Finally, these photos show how your generosity inspired Annita to give back. The academic students started wearing theirs in August. We hope the vocational students will wear theirs later this month. Thank you for helping a graduate Pay it forward!

Your graduate , Annita busy making masks for Uniting Distant Stars Students.

Your Seventh Grade Students wearing their masks made by Annita Johnney.


Uniting Distant Stars Academy Update


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