The U.S. Co-Founder & Executive Director, Heather Cannon, joins the Liberian Business Association of Minnesota Delegation to Liberia in March. Heather's last visit to Liberia was September 2013 to launch UDS. Now over six years later, she is excited to see how UDS transformed from an idea into a thriving educational and vocational training program.

Additionally, she will experience your students' abilities as their customer in the following trades:

  1. Hotel management students will take care of her room while I stay at the York Plaza Hotel.
  2. Catering students will provide her meals each day.
  3. Cosmetology students will give her pedicures both weeks of her visit.
  4. Tailoring students will make her an outfit or two.

Furthermore, she will to work with our computer students and learn from your auto mechanic, electrician, and plumbing students. So, please stay tuned as she gives a personal account of how your students performed with me being a customer.

Thank you for all your support and including UDS in your charitable giving! 


LIBA Delegation to Liberia Postponed


UDS Graduation Set For April 2020