As we close the books for 2019, we wanted to show your life-changing impact. You raised $21,537 to support Liberian Children and Youth as follows:

  • 72% from businesses and individuals
  • 21% from employee matches and contributions from United Way campaigns.
  • 7% from in-kind services.

UDS spent $23,471 on the following programs:

  • Two sets of electrician students installed Solar Power at our center in January and June respectively.  It covers 75% of our electrical needs. Cost $9,100 or 39% ($5,200 raised in 2018). 
  • Over 40 students received the Permaculture Design Certification Training. Cost $3,015  or 13% ($2,165 raised in 2018).
  • Sixteen students continue to receive full-year scholarships from four sponsors. Cost $4,340 or 18.5%. 
  • Two classes (2018-19 and 2019-20) received learning materials to apply their skills in their respective courses. About 75 students graduated in April 2019 and over 100 are currently attending classes at our center. Cost $6,520 or 28%. 

Current assets are $7,398 which 80% is allocated for learning materials and 10% for administrative needs. The remaining 10% is the reserve fund.

Thank you again for your generous and continued support of Liberian Children and Youth! 


UDS Graduation Set For April 2020


Looking Back at the 2010s