Honorable Consul General & LIBA Executive Director, Jackson George visiting UDS Center in 2018.
Honorable Jackson George

One of our strategic goals is building partnerships with organizations in supporting Liberian Youth. This year we became a member of the Liberian Business Association (LIBA) to network and bring more awareness of our work. LIBA's Executive Director & Consul General of Minnesota's Liberian Consulate, Jackson George (in photo), visited our center in July 2018. He saw how hungry the students were towards learning a trade. However, he also noticed that some of them struggled with paying their tuition even after our discount.

Last year, he requested that we submit a proposal for a scholarship fund to help enrolled students struggling with their payments. So, we laid out the criteria on who will be eligible and submitted this request in January. The LIBA board approved the request in July.

This year, they placed a jar within their office and started collecting funds. We received the first donation on November 14 of $119. In the next week or two, Kelvin Fomba (UDS Co-Founder & Director) and his staff will review eligible students to determine who will receive these funds.

Thank you so much for LIBA Members and Office Visitors for contributing to this important scholarship drive!


You did it! You Raised $1,300 for Give to the Max Day


Plumbing Students Applying Their Skills