Elijah Kotee, Catering Graduate

You may recall in part 3 of Rita Apaloo's article about her visit to UDS, she mentioned meeting with Elijah Kotee, who graduated with a Diploma in Catering. We shared an article about Elijah in March when he started a job cooking in a small restaurant in Monrovia.

Unfortunately, the owner has not paid him in two months because of the ongoing economic crisis. And yet, Elijah's spirit remains high as he moves forward with fulfilling his dreams by starting a pop-up pastry business. We hope to share his progress as he continues to develop it. 

Elijah also attended the permaculture training in January offered by Sierra Leone Foundation for New Democracy. He put his skills to work in May when he planted a small garden near his home. He lives near downtown Monrovia in an area called Jallah Town Road. This area is not your ideal garden site because it is rocky and along a cliff. However, you will soon see how he used his permaculture design certification to grow a bountiful garden that he shares with this neighbors. 

Elijah's start to his garden in May 2019.

UDS Graduate, Elijah Kotee, shows the progress of his permaculture garden. 


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