How often were you asked this question when you were applying for your first job? There are some people not willing to give a young person a chance, but you have made a commitment to provide Liberian Youth with the experience they need to demonstrate what they know. Your continued investment is not only giving them the materials, equipment, and tools to learn a trade career but also allowing them a chance to go into the field and apply their skills. 

Our committed and dedicated instructors are constantly looking for opportunities to give our students real experience. Two weeks ago, Emmanuel Somah (plumbing instructor) received a contract to install the pipes in a new home being built outside of Monrovia. Our students laid the pipes in two bathrooms and the kitchen. They will return in a few weeks to build the septic tank and install the fixtures. 

Your students installing pipes for a new home.

Your support made it possible for young men and a woman to gain valuable experience by applying their skills in a real home and be compensated for their efforts. It is important to teach our students that their work has worth. 

Your students applying their skills with installing pipes 2 bathrooms & kitchen.

We hope that more people will give our students a chance to demonstrate their abilities by awarding contracts to our institution. Through your generous giving, you helped build our learning labs where our students practice their skills during each class period. This is why they are eager and ready to do the work in any setting to achieve the experience needed to be hired. 

Your students received real experience and now admire their work.


Successful Dinner & Movie Fundraiser


Thank you to our Sponsor, The Rock Insurance Agency, & Chris Lohrey!