Our scholarship students returned to school after a two-month break. 2018 marks our eighth year of matching generous sponsors to eager students attending primary and secondary schools. Our four sponsors are supporting 17 students in grades Kindergarten 2 (Liberia has two kindergarten levels) to 12th. Total tuition for the 2018/2019 school year is $4,570Our 12th grader Deborah Tweah is seen in this photo holding a bag she made from used clothes. She was one of the 20 students that participated in our Backpacks for Peace Service Learning Project in 2015. She lacked any support from family but wanted to finish high school. She demonstrated her desire to learn in the backpacks project and received a scholarship to complete school. The sewing skills she learned during the project have helped her take care of her basic needs while attending school.This academic scholarship program is important because Liberia's current economic situation is taking a toll on parents who are not able to enroll their students this year. We are extremely grateful to our sponsors who have committed to supporting these children and youth to high school graduation. 


Working Together For a Better Future


Meet Our New Board Member: Beyan Gonowolo