We are grateful to meet with Chris Lohrey who founded The Rock Insurance Agency to support causes in Liberia. He recently sponsored an electrician student, Joshua M. Jackson, who completed our assessment test earlier this year but could not raise the funds to attend. He dropped out of school in the eighth grade but knows the value of learning a trade to help him be self-sufficient.Chris shared in his recent newsletter why supporting young people in Liberia matters:
"We believe in not only elevating living conditions in Liberia but also education so people like Joshua can improve their own living conditions through skill and knowledge. We are so proud to be a part of his journey!"
The Rock Insurance Agency is committed to providing their clients with high-quality products. I switched auto insurance in March because he could lower my monthly premiums significantly. Please read his company's mission and learn about how you can make a difference by asking for a quote today. Visit http://therockinsure.com or call 952-222-3486 for more information.Thank you, Chris and The Rock Insurance Agency for sponsoring Joshua and becoming his Classroom Hero!

Young Electricians Learning to Light the World


Students Gain Valuable Skills From Knowledgeable Instructors