On Saturday, May 26, our students gathered at our center to clean up the trash that had settled in the area from recent storms and windy days. People within the community quickly noticed their work and expressed gratitude for their efforts. We think it is important to get our youth involved in serving the community as a way of paying forward what you have done for them. Students used cutlasses to cut the grass and brooms to sweep the trash. The grass has been composted to make mulch, and the trash was piled to one area and picked by the waste management company later in the week.

Your students hard at work cleaning up the community

Kelvin Fomba, UDS Co-Founder & Director, checking as they work to clean up the trash

After working for several hours, all students went to the great hall of our center for a general meeting and also to receive their highly-anticipated uniforms (all departments except hotel management). It took longer this year to issue the uniforms, because our registrar Godfrey Solomon, who normally prints the front and back of our uniform shirts, suffered two tragic losses this year. His wife miscarried their baby on March 11, and she died on April 9. While he was bereaved, we found a vendor to help with printing. Our students are now proudly wearing their uniforms.

Your students assembled for a general meeting led by Kelvin Fomba, Co-Founder & Director

Your students receiving their official Uniting Distant Stars uniform

Your continued support ensures young Liberians receive marketable skills at our vocational training center and become contributing members of society.


Students Love Learning in the UDS Computer Lab


Tailoring Students Making Uniforms for Hotel Management Students