As a valued Star Supporter, you improve the learning environment for our ambitious students. In the last newsletter we shared the story of Adam Pederson's Facebook Fundraiser for our computer lab. We combined the $2,020 raised from his two donors with the $180 from Florkime Paye's Facebook Fundraiser (the remainder went towards the graduation) earlier this year to purchase additional computers.Kelvin Fomba, Co-Founder and Director, negotiated a deal with a vendor to purchase:
  • 12 used desktop computers loaded with Microsoft Software, Mavis Beacon Typing Application, and other software
  • 12 combo chair desks

Uniting Distant Stars Computer LabThe final price is $2,800, and we are raising funds for the $600 balance. Thank you to all the Star Supporters for fulfilling this need! Because of you, our lab consists of 20 computers for the benefit of our students.


An Expression of Gratitude by Abu B Kiawu


Many Thanks to Adam Pederson's Facebook Fundraiser