Please check your inbox for your 2017 Giving Statement

This year, we have been humbled by your generosity toward our Liberian children and youth involved in Uniting Distant Stars. You raised nearly $19,500 in 2017, which gave 18 young students full-year scholarships, provided over 100 students with learning materials for their chosen vocational training courses, allowed our youth to participate in two Google Hangout events with our partners in Minnesota, and opened up an opportunity for them to visit another vocational school outside of Monrovia.As a highly valued partner in doing good, we hope you join us as we continue to provide educational and vocational training opportunities to deserving young people in Liberia, who lack the means to access this basic right.We cannot say enough "Thank You's" for all that you have helped UDS accomplish! We hope that 2018 is a joyous and blessed year for all of you!


Benefits of Volunteering


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